7 Critical Interview and Interrogation Courses

7 Critical Interview and Interrogation Courses

Interview and Interrogation Courses
Available for individual registration. Also available for "group registrations" at a substantial savings. Work at your own speed. Certificates are awarded after the completion of the course and a passing grade on the quiz.

interview and interrogation techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques – Question Heavy vs Answer Heavy

(FREE COURSE) Interview and interrogation techniques can take on many forms. Some are more effective than others. In this short course we will look at the types of questions that interviewers ask. Which questions are more productive while other types of questions can be destructive. What's the difference? Why does it really matter? Are the results of your interview technique more "question heavy" or is it "answer heavy?" 1/2 hour course with exam and certificate.

Interview and Interrogation Techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: Influence and Persuasion Tools

It's no secret ...
You just can't say just ANYTHING in the interview room...
you've got to say the right things the right way!
You've got to tap into how a subject's mind works...
if you want to get cooperation.

The investigators with the highest compliance rates
 don't always have the best cases...
They've just got the best persuasion techniques.

Increase your compliance Rate
. Use advanced ethical and effective interview and interrogation techniques.
Learn the techniques that can put you in an elite 
group of successful interrogators.

interview and interrogation techniques training

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: False Confessions – Contaminated Statements

More and more we are seeing the court system directly address the types of interview and interrogation techniques being used during the investigation process.

In nearly every case successfully challenged, the interviewer committed three fatal errors that contributed to miscarriages of justice. This course provides insight into those errors and how can they be avoided.
(60 minute Course and Quiz. Certificate of Completion with Passing Score)

interview and interrogation techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: Mastering Narrative-Based Statements

This Interview and Interrogation Techniques course will assist any investigator who wants or needs to improve their skills at obtaining narrative-based statements.

Narrative-based interviewing has proven to be the most productive method for information gathering 
from victims, witnesses and subjects.
(90 minute Course and Quiz. Certificate of Completion with Passing Score)

interview and interrogation techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: Understanding Subject Reaction – Response Behaviors

Interview and interrogation techniques come in a wide range of philosophies and methodologies. The problem is that the vast majority are not based on any behavioral science research.

When studied in depth and using active and adjudicated cases, research shows that interviewers can get consistent positive results.

This course focuses on one of those particular skills - accurately recognizing and adjusting to their subject's cognitive and emotional changes.

( Approx. 3 hr Course with Quizzes. Certificate of Completion with Passing Score)
Bulk Registrations Available. Subscription Plans Available.

interview and interrogation techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: Interviewing the Angry Subject

One of the most challenging situations for an interviewer is to develop the interview and interrogation techniques needed to overcome the problem of dealing with an angry subject. Interviews of this type will often degrade into a non-productive confrontation.

The interviewer can change the outcome by:

Understanding why their subjects may be using anger.
Recognizing what the various forms of anger look and sound like.
How they can respond correctly to an angry subject.
How they can bring the interview back under control and,
How they can successfully create a more productive dialogue.
(60 minute Course and Quiz. Certificate of Completion with Passing Score)

Interview and Interrogation Techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques: The Truth About Body Language & Deception

Investigators who conduct Interviews and interrogations along with the rest of the human population have been proven to still be woefully inaccurate at spotting liars by watching for nonverbal cues. Surprisingly the myths about body language cues and deception persist and a broad spectrum of investigators continue to cling to many of the disproved concepts.

According to extensive research as well as civil and criminal court cases, the root cause of the problem may be that these myths about body language and deception are still be perpetuated at some academies, in-service training as well as television, movies, and the media. 

This course will expose many of the myths and undercover the facts about body language and deception.