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Interview and Interrogation Techniques

Interview and Interrogation Techniques:

The Truth About Body Language and Deception.

Myth versus Facts
(60 min. course)

Stan B. Walters, Instructor

Course Description:

For decades, interview and interrogation training has focused heavily on the ability to spot deception through body language. This approach, while popular, has not lived up to its promise. Despite years of teaching and reinforcement, the reality is that both seasoned interviewers and the general public remain remarkably poor at detecting lies based solely on nonverbal cues. The notion that body language is a foolproof indicator of deception is, unfortunately, more myth than reality.

The persistence of these myths is concerning, especially given the critical role that accurate information plays in investigations. Investigators, law enforcement officers, and other professionals who rely on interviews and interrogations must be equipped with reliable tools to discern truth from deception. Yet, many continue to cling to outdated and debunked concepts, largely because these ideas have been deeply ingrained in training programs and popular culture.

Extensive research has repeatedly demonstrated that nonverbal cues are far less reliable indicators of deception than once believed. Studies show that even trained professionals are no better than chance at identifying liars when relying solely on body language. This is not to say that body language is useless—it can provide valuable context and insight—but it should not be the cornerstone of any serious interview or interrogation strategy.

The root of the problem lies in the widespread perpetuation of these myths. Some training academies and in-service programs continue to teach these outdated concepts, leaving professionals with a false sense of confidence in their ability to detect deception. This issue is further compounded by the influence of television, movies, and media, which often dramatize and exaggerate the role of body language in uncovering lies. As a result, both investigators and the public are led to believe in the infallibility of these cues, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

This course aims to set the record straight. Through a comprehensive exploration of the myths and realities surrounding body language and deception, participants will gain a clearer understanding of what truly works in the interview room. We will delve into the latest research, examining why nonverbal cues are often misinterpreted and how relying on them can lead to significant errors in judgment.

Participants will learn to identify the limitations of body language analysis and discover more reliable methods for assessing truthfulness. We will cover the psychological and contextual factors that influence human behavior, offering a more nuanced approach to interviewing and interrogation. By understanding these factors, participants will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of human communication and avoid the pitfalls of over-reliance on nonverbal cues.

The course will also address the legal implications of using flawed deception detection techniques. We will examine real-world cases where the misinterpretation of body language led to wrongful convictions and other legal challenges. This knowledge is crucial for anyone involved in the justice system, as it underscores the importance of using scientifically sound methods in interviews and interrogations.

In addition to debunking myths, this course will provide practical tools and techniques that are grounded in research and proven to be effective. Participants will leave with a toolkit of strategies that go beyond body language, focusing on verbal cues, behavioral analysis, and cognitive interviewing techniques. These methods are designed to enhance the accuracy of information gathering and improve outcomes in investigations.

Ultimately, this course is about empowering professionals to move beyond the myths and embrace a more effective, evidence-based approach to interview and interrogation. Whether you are a law enforcement officer, investigator, or anyone involved in the process of gathering information, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve better results.

Don’t let outdated ideas hold you back. Join us and discover the real truth about body language and deception—your success in the interview room depends on it.

This interview and interrogation techniques course applies to you if you are in any of the following fields:

  • Law Enforcement
  • Corrections
  • Fire Service
  • Military
  • Intelligence
  • Loss Prevention
  • Risk Management

Your takeaways from this course:

  • Uncover the Truth About Eye Contact: Dispel the myths surrounding eye contact and learn what it really reveals about honesty and deception.
    • Debunk Body Language Myths: Explore the most pervasive myths about body language cues and deception, and understand why they don’t hold up under scrutiny.
    • Master the “Like and Dislike” Concept: Gain insights into how natural reactions of liking or disliking can influence body language, and how to interpret these signals accurately.
    • Identify the Real Source of Body Language Cues: Discover where nonverbal cues truly originate, and how understanding their source can dramatically improve your analysis.
    • Streamline Your Analysis Process: Learn practical techniques to reduce the time spent analyzing body language, allowing you to focus on what really matters in the interview room.
    • Understand Cultural and Social Influences: Delve into how cultural, social, and personal experiences shape nonverbal behavior, and why a one-size-fits-all approach to body language simply doesn’t work.

    These takeaways promise to equip you with the critical skills and knowledge needed to move beyond outdated practices and adopt a more accurate, efficient, and culturally aware approach to body language analysis in interviews and interrogations.

This course is approximately 1 hour long. You will receive a certificate of completion after passing the final quiz.

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